Engagement Party - Etiquette and Tips

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Format: An engagement party can take just about any form you wish, of any level of formality. It can be a dinner or even a barbeque. Sometimes, as my wife and I did, you can get started with yet another form of party (we employed a Christmas party), and then use it as an opportunity to announce your engagement. Then again, you should let the host know in advance if this is what you program to do. If your parents live in several cities (or if you live in numerous cities), there is no rule against having two parties for every single set of friends and household. Just do whatever the guests will get pleasure from.

Who hosts: Historically, the bride's parents are responsible for the engagement party, but that tradition is waning. Whoever wishes may perhaps host the party, even though it usually won't be the couple themselves. Just after all, persons are throwing this party for you. If the bride's parents wish to host, do not snatch it from them. In common, it's wonderful to let men and women follow traditions if they wish, but not force them if they do not.

Announcing the engagement: Even if everybody already knows about the engagement, it really should nonetheless be formally announced at the party (soon after all, that's the point). There are two traditions here: either the father of the bride or the host of announce the engagement (the cause for the two traditions is that the bride's father applied to at all times be the host). Just do whichever you believe will make many people happiest and will cause the least hurt feelings.

Who comes: If it is an official engagement party, you shouldn't invite anybody that you also do not plan to invite to the wedding. If you use another party to supply a surprise announcement, this is additional flexible, but be conscious that some men and women might possibly be hurt if they come to even a surprise party and then discover themselves not invited to the wedding. You really should actually only surprise people at parties attended by close friends you intend to invite to your wedding. 1 effortless trick is to tailor your guest list utilizing men and women you wish to come to your wedding, then pretend the party is for a thing else entirely.

Gifts: Gift etiquette at an engagement party are a bit of a mess. On the one hand, you must by no means consist of gift details in any invitation (which includes "no gifts"). On the other hand, there is no set rule about gifts at engagement parties, so no one knows what to do. After you send out your invitations, use the grapevine to let individuals know if you would like gifts or not, and make confident everybody who is invited knows. Only open gifts at the party only if you have let it known that you wish them, but you are not obliged to. If you request no gifts and folks bring them anyway, do not open them at the party. Opening gifts when not everybody has brought gifts makes consumers uncomfortable.

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